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The Employee BBS is a database compiling all of the Chook Industries BBS posts. It includes all past and present memos. Newest postings are listed first.

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  • For Sale: Live Meal-worms. Price: $3.00 for 50. Please contact TJ.

  • Build your own Boba Fett. Contact Trey 'Money' Larson or The Whore of Ebay immediately. Prices are available upon request.

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  • Thursday Taster: Robert Blomis, "How to make an office a better place to work." In the Meridian Room from 12:30-1:30 PM. Topics will include "Work Place Lighting", "Optomizing your Web Browser" and "Photocopying Legalities". To book a place or if you cannot attend this session but would like to make a contribution contact Jim Shooter or the Staff Development Office.

  • During the following two week work period (5/8/00 to 5/19/00), the advertisers known as Trey 'Money' Larson and The Whore of Ebay will be advertising on the Employee BBS. Trey 'Money' Larson and The Whore of Ebay, who are not a part of Chook Industries, have made themselves known to the Chook corporation as infrequent posters on the Chook Industries Message Board. From the Chook Industries Message Board, Trey 'Money' Larson and The Whore of Ebay contacted Chook Industries Business Liaison, Kurt Watson, in order to create marketing relations. Kurt Watson commented, "They sent a really nice mail. They have stupid names, but I like creative advertising, like that Budweiser commercial with the true world chameleons. When I saw that for the fist time, I was laughing right along with the other 20 million Super Bowl fans." Since Chook Industries does not use advertising banners on its web site, it has agreed to let Trey 'Money' Larson and The Whore of Ebay post advertisements on the Employee BBS as a trial. They have also been given temporary mail accounts that will be run through the Chook web site. If this provisional arrangement is successful, Trey 'Money' Larson and The Whore of Ebay will pay a set fee to have their official site run and maintained as an adjacent sister site on the Chook Industries web site. Chook Industries would ask it employees to consider all advertisements placed on the Employee BBS. The Employee BBS is a democratic forum designed for dissemination of employee information. As such, if you are an employee of Chook and you are upset by any of this, please contact Jim Shooter.

  • Larry Snow is proud to announce that Chook Industries email was not affected yesterday by the "I love you" email virus. This is all due to some new internet technology that Chook Industries will be unveiling in a couple weeks time. In celebration of this initial success, Larry has sent around a very funny forward called "I love plumpers". It is not a virus, so do not worry. For those of you who haven't seen the forward, Larry asked that his own words be printed on the Employee BBS to give the staff a clue as to what the foward is. "It has to be one of the funniest forwards ever; the attachment is great. All I'm saying is that must have taken a lot of Twinkees!!! Jimmy, [referring to Jim Shooter] I used you email account to forward the message cause I was near your computer. Don't worry, I made sure you parents got a copy of the forward too."

  • For Sale: Live Crickets. Price: $4.00/dozen. Please contact TJ.

  • A memo from Larry to all employees:

  • Time is a precious tool, use it wisely.

  • CD of the Month: To show that the vandalism done to the vandalism in the females bathroom is not representative of Chook Industries views to the musical artist Ani DiFranco, Jim Shooter has selected "Up Up Up Up Up Up" by Ani DiFranco as album of the month.

  • Bathroom Memo - Due to incidents that occurred over the weekend, Rita Hastead has been banned from the Chook Industries premises. It seems that Hastead broke into the women's bathroom and vandalized it by spray painting "Ani DiFranco is Truth, Chook is a Fraud." Chook Industries has agreed not to press charges against Hastead as long as she does not ever come on Chook Industries property again. Hastead was apprehended by the police after an anonymous phone caller reported a possible burglary. The police station recommended that Chook take precautionary measures in case of any unforseen incidents in the future. In light of this, security cameras will be installed. However, since Chook does not currently have money allotted for camera installation in the entire building, only the female bathrooms have been fitted with security cameras immediately. We would ask that employees be patient in this matter and not complain that the male bathrooms do not have security cameras, or other Chook facilities do not have security cameras, because Chook has in fact purchased no security cameras. The security cameras in the female bathrooms are only the old spy cameras that were discovered several months back. They have been rewired and activated as of today. Finally, it seems that an employee entered the female bathroom today and changed "Ani DiFranco" to "Ani DykeFranco" with lipstick. This type of behavior must stop, because it only has the potential to enflame the situation and is more importantly not nice.

  • The Book of the Month has been declared. How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way, by Stan Lee. Selected by Kurt Watson.

  • Baby Ruth Update: Chook Industries is very aware that sometimes it sounds all to parenting in tone when talking to employees. So much of the time it is only scolding, and never saying "Job well done". Well, Chook would like to say, "Job well done" for the cessation of the Baby Ruth pranks involving the microwave that were all the rage some time ago. This is a mark of maturity. Baby Ruth is a good company, who makes a good candy bar, and although their web site is still not up 16 months after its scheduled opening, this is a company that Chook Industries stands behind and would encourage its own employees to write and convey its sentiments too if and when their web site does open. The executive staff does apologise to general staff for not saying something sooner. For a change the tables are turned. All this was brought to executive staff's attention the other day when an email came into Chook Industries concerning the Baby Ruth issue. Obviously an outside party had read the Employee BBS and thought that such activities were still going on. They are not, and we are proud to be able to say that they aren't. Please read the message below. To protect privacy, the email addresses "to" and "from" have been withheld. In closing, "Job well done."

    Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 11:53:26 -0500
    From: user <>
    X-Accept-Language: en
    Subject: Baby Ruth
    Shut up and get a life.
  • Employee Web Space Notice: The other day an employee, whose name will remain undisclosed, asked if they could use Chook Web Space to post information about their personal religion. This is fine, but the problem was that the employee wanted to copyright some of the words of their God. This is very problematic because it becomes attached to Chook Industries since it is on our web space. Therefore in the future, if any employee posts a page that is religiously oriented, we would ask that you not "copyright", "trademark" or "patent" the word of your God or Gods. This is what Geocities is for.

  • For Sale: Popular Mechanics Magazines: These issues are from 1987 to 1989. The 1987 year is not complete, it is missing two issues. The condition of the magazines is fair. A couple of them are a little beat up. Price: $35.00 (although this would be negotiable somewhat). Please contact TJ.

  • Every year people are killed by riptide over Easter Weekend. If you go surfing, be sure to use the buddy system. Have a safe and pleasant holiday.


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