Posted by General Malcom O'Shea on October 10, 2000 at 16:00:33:
Mission Briefing: Alright men, everybody knows what they should do. Make this count. I don't have to tell you that we've gone through a lot and dealt a hell of a lot more with an unfathomable amount of FUCKHEADS. But we all know where we stand. So lets do this mission and lets make it count. LET'S KICK SOME FUCKING ASS!!! Okay, now yell if you love pussy. RRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Okay, now give me a yell if we are going to win this mission. RRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAA!!!!! Let's do it and do it to it. Meet back here at 1500 hours tommorro. Mission is GO.
General Malcom O'Shea