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Posted by [S810]69===HaCkR-X on November 10, 2000 at 18:30:24:

I brought this page down. I was responsilbe for the chook website being down for the past 2 days. I bombed Redd Dave's computer as well. I posted this information on the Joe the Circle website, but that fucking prick Shapiro deleted it. So be it. I don't give a shit about the Joe the Shitty Waste of Space website. My beef is with chook, and I mean business. To Cliff Woodman and the rest of the people involved with the chook website: I don't know if this site is actually Redd Dave's. For one thing, Redd Dave has a different IP# than the person who does the site admin, so I doubt that Redd is even anything more than a friend of the person who actually DOES run this site. I DO know that Redd's computer is toast. I fuckin brought his Gateway home essential PC down in fuckin FLAMES. Your welcome. Back to business: I have made it my personal goal to keep bringing this site down until it is pulled from the 'Net entirely. I mean it. I will continue to crash this server until it is nothing more than an unpleasant memory. Try to stop me. I DARE anyone involved with this shitty page to try to track me down. Try to prosecute me. It won't happen. I am a ghost, and completely untraceable. Brace for the worst, 'cause it's coming...


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